Middle School Season Details and Registration Spring 2025

Our Middle School level program is a scaled down and age level appropriate introduction to the sport of Olympic Rowing or Crew as it is more commonly known. This coed program meets 3 days per week, Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday and is focused on instructional skill development basics of the rowing stroke and the safe handling of the different types of equipment in a fun supportive atmosphere. The program is for students in the 6 th /7 th /8 th grade. The group will start with three weeks of Indoor instruction on the rowing machines building a fitness and technical base. As we unpack from Winter storage and get all the boats ready for the water season, there will be a break in mid-April. Starting in late April through the entire month of May rowers will be grouped in larger team boats that are more stable and learn to work together to make the boat, or shell as it is called, move smoothly and efficiently through the water. Depending on skill progression and readiness there may be some limited racing opportunities when it is warmer in late May. We are looking for a few parent volunteers to assist as available with carrying the boats safely to and from the dock and support the Coach with video footage for rower feedback. Continuing opportunities will be available throughout the Summer in 2 week Rowing Camps. Schedule and details posted by late April 2025.



Monday, March 17th to Friday, May 30th 

9 weeks



3 days/week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

3 weeks indoor: Brunswick Rec Center, 3:30 pm to 5:30pm

Monday, 3/17- Friday, 4/5

6 weeks outdoors, on the water: New Meadows-Sawyer Park, 4-6:30pm

Monday 4/21-Friday 5/30

***There is a two week break between indoor ending and outdoor beginning***


Additional Information and Expectations:

Fees include comprehensive coaching, access to equipment, MCRA membership, and ALL race fees should your child race, for the Spring season. They do not include uniform, travel, or required annual USRowing membership. Also includes End of Season dinner.


Regular attendance and communication of absences are expected.


Novice Middle School Rowers: $500



MCRA is fully committed to ensuring that all who want to row can take part in our program.  Limited financial aid is available each season to help those with the greatest need.  If you anticipate that you will apply for financial aid, please reach out to MCRA Director and Head Coach, David Spraker, as soon as possible to discuss the process.  All discussions are private and confidential with our scholarship review team.


Payment Plan:

Fees may be paid in two equal installments due upon registration and no later than April 25th, 2025.

Middle School Squad Schedule


Prior to completing the registration link, you must have an active USRowing membership.

A current USRowing number and the expiration date will be required to complete the registration.  If you do not have a current USRowing membership, follow the link below. The MCRA Club Code is F6VF3.

USRowing Membership